Allure Hairdressing PRIVACY POLICY


Use of your data


At Allure Hairdressing we take privacy seriously and only use the information we collect to provide our services. We do not share or sell the information we collect for any other purpose than providing the services listed.


At any time, you may request a copy of information we have recorded about you. You may also request we remove all identifiable information with respect to yourself. As a matter of course, we will delete your identifiable information if you have not undertaken business with us after four years.



For transparency, listed are the business services we provide and how each service uses the information we collect:


  • Hair and beauty related services


We request the minimum level of personally identifying information to run our business effectively. This is data you provide us directly, for example, your name and contact details. We will never obtain information about you indirectly from sources outside our business. We store notes with respect to services we undertake to ensure we maintain and exceed our level of service. For example, your preferred hair style and colour formula codes. We consider you have provided consent for us to store personally identifying information and information about your services based on your receiving services from us.


Depending on the particular service(s), we are providing we may be required to ask questions related to your medical history. We will obtain your consent prior to storing information related to your medical history. Examples of medical data may be allergies, pregnancy or an injury that may impact our service.


Cookies, Web Statistics and third party monitoring


Allure Hairdressing also uses cookies and collects IP addresses (an IP address is a number that can uniquely identify a specific computer or other network device on the internet). We use analysis software (Google Analytics) to look at IP addresses and cookies for the purpose of enhancing your user experience. This information is not used to develop a personal profile of you and the log files are regularly purged.


Allure Hairdressing maintains continuous logs of its web server activity. These log files include the details of website users’ IP address, browser type and page last visited, etc. The log files are used to analyse how the website is being used by visitors and may be kept in an anonymised form for historical records.


Allure Hairdressing website uses hosted web analytics software. This hosted service is provided and managed by a third party company (Google, Inc). The service ‘Google Analytics’ uses ‘cookies’ (a text file sent to users’ computers as they browse our website) to help analyse how users navigate our website. The information generated by the cookie regarding our website (including IP addresses) will be anonymised and transmitted to and stored by Google, Inc. on servers that may be hosted in the United States. Google, Inc. will use this information for the purpose of evaluating use of our website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other related services to Allure Hairdressing.


Google, Inc. may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google, Inc’s. behalf. Google, Inc. will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google, Inc. You may decline the use of cookies by configuring your web browser to do so, but it may affect your user experience. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google, Inc. in the manner and for the purposes set out above.